
Positive Parenting Affirmations

Positive Parenting Affirmations

Affirmations aren’t just feel-good phrases; they are scientifically backed tools that rewire the brain, build resilience, and shape emotional well-being for both parents and children. If you’ve ever doubted the impact of your words, let’s explore how positive affirmations can transform your parenting journey.

When Parenting Feels Overwhelming: Finding Strength in Vulnerability

When Parenting Feels Overwhelming: Finding Strength in Vulnerability

Let’s be honest: no one is ever fully ready to take on the responsibility of raising another human being. Even if you read all the parenting books, attended all the classes, and talked to every expert in the field, the truth is that nothing prepares you for the lived experience of it. And that’s okay.

A Fresh Perspective on Correction vs. Punishment

A Fresh Perspective on Correction vs. Punishment

Parenting strong-willed children can sometimes feel like navigating a minefield. We want to guide them and correct their missteps, but we also fear damaging our relationship with them. It's a tough balance…

Ditch the Good Cop/Bad Cop Parenting Approach

Ditch the Good Cop/Bad Cop Parenting Approach

Just like a speeding ticket is a deterrent, our parenting should provide clear guidance and structure. Children need to know the "rules of the road" and understand the consequences of their actions, without feeling like one parent is the villain.

A Parent's Guide to Teaching Responsibility

If you're a parent, you know there are certain life lessons your kids can't afford to miss. The talk about the birds and the bees may be inevitable, but there's another conversation that should take center stage: the one about responsibility.

A Balanced Approach To The Art of Parenting

A Balanced Approach To The Art of Parenting

Parenting is a journey filled with twists, turns, and endless learning opportunities. As parents, we often find ourselves on a seesaw, oscillating between two distinct approaches – the problem-seeking and the problem-avoidant.

The Benefits Of A Routine and Schedule for Kids

The Benefits Of A Routine and Schedule for Kids

As a parent, you know that getting your child to do their chores, complete homework, and manage their time effectively can be a major challenge. However, there is a solution that can make all the difference in your family's life: creating a customized routine and schedule for your child.

In this blog post, we'll explore…

Navigating Sibling Rivalry

Navigating Sibling Rivalry

Sibling rivalry is a normal part of growing up. It often starts when a new baby arrives, and the older child suddenly has to share your attention. It can continue throughout childhood and even into adulthood. But why does it happen, and what can you do about it?

Simple Self-Care Strategies for Children (and Parents)

Simple Self-Care Strategies for Children (and Parents)

Never has there been a more critical time in our world for children to practice self-care. By doing activities that help them to slow down, relax, and boost their health, children can become more aware of their physical and emotional needs. In doing so, they can position themselves to learn more effectively and prepare for potential stressors that lie ahead.

5 Ways to Create A Happy Home Vibe For Your Kids

5 Ways to Create A Happy Home Vibe For Your Kids

With the hectic schedules and craziness of life, it can be hard to have a happy home. But there are simple strategies that you'll find in this post to make your house feel like an oasis for your kids. Soothing their five senses will calm nerves and create a happy…

Mom's Guide to Ending Kid Interruptions

Mom's Guide to Ending Kid Interruptions

You're not alone if you've felt the frustration of being disrupted during a phone call or a precious moment with your partner. It's a challenge that transcends the boundaries of "no" or "not now." I've been there, and I get it.

But guess what? There are alternatives to the constant disruptions, and I'm here to share some insights with you.

The Truth About Timeout Nobody is Telling You!

The Truth About Timeout Nobody is Telling You!

Are timeouts working for your strong-willed kiddo?

Use new timeout tips to help your child experience the following:

  • Feel proud of themselves

  • Respect and honor you

  • Experience personal SUCCESS

  • Have a clear model for future conflicts

These smart time-out tips are structured, predictable, and effective!

Mommy, Do You Still Love Me ???

Mommy, Do You Still Love Me ???

HAVE YOU EVER FELT SO FRUSTRATED with your kiddo that you ended up shouting or saying something you didn’t mean or even wish to say?

Or worse, has your strong-willed child ever come back to you with “Mommy, do you still love me?”

Coming from a child, this disheartening question can crush the spirit…

Winning Tips for Stressful Bedtime Battles

Winning Tips for Stressful Bedtime Battles

Recently, a momma in my group posted, "I'm going out of my mind. I can't keep my child in bed. She gets up like a million times a night and gets into my bed."

She needed help, and wanted it right away…

Tattling or Telling: How To Explain The Difference

Tattling or Telling: How To Explain The Difference

Motherhood is full of challenges every single day. There are a thousand decisions that she will make on the fly. And then she will lay in bed at night and think about the choices she made, wondering if she made the right choice..

Frequently, mom guilt comes into play because she makes a decision