Respectful Communication

Connecting With A Teen When Emotions Run High

Connecting With A Teen When Emotions Run High

When our teens think that we're not looking out for their developing independence, they feel unloved, misunderstood, and rejected.

It's almost as if we have to escort our teens into adulthood. We have to accompany our pre-adult children into their future and maturity.

Communication for Cooperation

Communication for Cooperation

A well-intentioned mother speaks words of wise instruction expecting to be heard, acknowledged, and met with cooperation. When the only response from those she cares most about is a meaningless glance or flippant nod, it’s easy to understand why Mom might resort to modes of communication which are later regretted or that poorly display the dignity she desires to reflect.

A mile-long list of responsibilities, chores, and concerns weigh heavily on her mind, and so it’s no wonder…