
6 Ways To Keep Your Kids Healthy This Winter

6 Ways To Keep Your Kids Healthy This Winter

Navigating the winter season with kids in tow can be a concern for many parents. The flu and other viruses tend to make their rounds during this time, and keeping our little ones healthy is a top priority, especially during the holidays. But don’t worry, there are simple steps you can add to your routine to ensure your child stays happy and healthy, even when the cold weather sets in.

Navigating Sibling Rivalry

Navigating Sibling Rivalry

Sibling rivalry is a normal part of growing up. It often starts when a new baby arrives, and the older child suddenly has to share your attention. It can continue throughout childhood and even into adulthood. But why does it happen, and what can you do about it?

How To Stop Your Child's Birthday Party From Spiraling Out Of Control

How To Stop Your Child's Birthday Party From Spiraling Out Of Control

You know how kids these days catch all those glitzy ideas from TV and the internet, making them hope for these mega birthday bashes, right? But let me tell you, though it might feel easy to just go with the flow and say yes to all their wishes, that might not be the best play for the long haul. Sometimes, putting your foot down and finding middle ground can actually turn out better for both you and your kiddo. It's all about finding that sweet spot, making deals, and standing your ground when it counts.

Teach Kids How To Politely Interrupt

Teach Kids How To Politely Interrupt

When kids want their Mom's attention, the typical scenario looks like this:

A child comes barreling into the room with a barrage of "Mom, Mom, Mama, Ma, Mommy!!!"

Either you didn't respond fast enough, or you're busy doing something and not giving immediate focus to the sweet face beckoning for your attention. Sound familiar?

Genius Small Apartment Hacks for New Parents

Genius Small Apartment Hacks for New Parents

Short on Space? Experts Reveal Simple, but Genius Small Apartment Hacks for New Parents

Although they may be small, baby gear – diapers, bottles, cribs, and other baby necessities – can take up a significant amount of space.

While some families may decide to upsize to a bigger home, that route may not be available for everyone. Luckily, with some clever maneuvering and storage ideas, there are plenty of ways to make the most out of your small space.

Whether you’re renting an apartment in New York or are looking for ways to revamp a small bedroom into a stylish nursery in your Portland rental, we’ve got you covered.

We reached out to experts for their best small apartment hacks to optimize your space so you can make room for your new bundle of joy.

Check out these simple but genius ideas to help you prepare for your new adventure.

Simple Self-Care Strategies for Children (and Parents)

Simple Self-Care Strategies for Children (and Parents)

Never has there been a more critical time in our world for children to practice self-care. By doing activities that help them to slow down, relax, and boost their health, children can become more aware of their physical and emotional needs. In doing so, they can position themselves to learn more effectively and prepare for potential stressors that lie ahead.

The No Good Bad Word

The No Good Bad Word

Do you know what the no-good bad word is that we tend to always say as moms and should never say? It's the word "punishment." Are you using the word "punishment" when the kids do something wrong or don't listen?

If you find yourself saying, "You're going to be punished for that," let me tell you a little story:

When I was a kid growing up

Parenting Stress Provides Surprising Opportunities

Parenting Stress Provides Surprising Opportunities

The headlines online and in the newsstands continue to report on the spread of Coronavirus. Public facilities are stepping up their protocol to keep everyone safe and well. But it’s easy to see many are beginning to panic as they consider the “what-ifs.” In these times, it is valuable to have a plan B for our families in a world of uncertainty.

While authorities work diligently to…

The Truth About Mom Guilt

The Truth About Mom Guilt

I WATCHED WITH AMAZEMENT as that little pregnancy stick revealed a positive in the indicator window. I was going to be a mama, and I was so excited. During the nine months that followed, I did everything possible to make sure I would be the best mom ever.

I read all the books, did all the research, took all the vitamins, and ate all the right foods. I did everything required to be an amazing mom. And when the baby came, he was perfect. I thought life would be so perfect. I was ready to be the ideal mom.

The Inside Scoop On Parenting Through The Teen Years

The Inside Scoop On Parenting Through The Teen Years

YOU LOVE YOUR FAMILY, and you're dedicated. But you also know that parenting a teen or tweenager is hard work.

Everybody says the attitude is normal, just deal with it. But how do you get through the day-to-day of parenting? How do you keep things from escalating? How do you maintain your cool in the moment?

Rescue Kids From Summer Boredom

Rescue Kids From Summer Boredom

A MIDSUMMER’S DAY and Mom is tired. The kids have tons of energy and want something to do, something they haven’t done before.

The only vacation scheduled for this season is still weeks away. If Mom doesn’t come up with something exciting soon, boredom will set in.

We all know what happens when kids have nothing to do. They annoy each other. Or worse yet, one may settle for simply annoying YOU!

Teach Kids The Right Way To Apologize

Teach Kids The Right Way To Apologize

THE TRICKY THING ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS is that we often hurt the ones we love. The problem is that humanity is a bit broken, and that means we have sharp edges.  History has proven we don’t get through life without, unfortunately, offending others unintentionally or otherwise.  The closer our contact, the more painful the experience as jagged edges of brokenness scratch and poke at the soft pink underbellies of those we cherish.  

It’s like trying to hug a porcupine.  Think of all those pointy quills! But if porcupines can reproduce without killing each other or swearing off mating season, we can certainly learn how to navigate the sharp-edged brokenness associated with the human condition.  Regardless of the dangers, we were created for connection.  Our families won’t thrive without it.

Love and Divorce

Love and Divorce

WHEN THE STINGING THREAT OF DIVORCE becomes a harsh reality, the sacred terrain of marriage can freeze over into an icy battleground of pain and confusion.

Everything dedicated, worked for and believed in stares back with little to no recognition. Untold truths spill out, stripping away every illusion and expose an ugliness which cannot be unseen. The torrent of emotions which deluge mind and soul can sometimes feel like suffocation.

For the child who must cope with this crisis, divorce is worse than death. When goodbyes are said at the grave, he or she lives with the memory of someone who can no longer engage in the physical realm of our lives. But in the crossfires of divorce, while mom and dad are saying farewell to matrimony, the child’s greatest need is to…