
Teach Kids How To Politely Interrupt

Teach Kids How To Politely Interrupt

When kids want their Mom's attention, the typical scenario looks like this:

A child comes barreling into the room with a barrage of "Mom, Mom, Mama, Ma, Mommy!!!"

Either you didn't respond fast enough, or you're busy doing something and not giving immediate focus to the sweet face beckoning for your attention. Sound familiar?

Principles of Parenting That are Important at Every Age

Principles of Parenting That are Important at Every Age

Got parenting questions? Every phase of parenting brings its own set of challenges and surprises. Still, there are parenting principles that remain the same no matter what your family’s circumstances are and at any stage of the game.

Understanding these principles will help you set your children up to grow into happy, responsible, and resilient adults.

The importance of honesty for a strong connection with your child

The importance of honesty for a strong connection with your child

For your child to trust themselves and grow up healthy and happy, honesty should be of utmost importance. They need honesty about everything, from how the world works around them down to what you're doing wrong as a parent…

The Truth About Timeout Nobody is Telling You!

The Truth About Timeout Nobody is Telling You!

Are timeouts working for your strong-willed kiddo?

Use new timeout tips to help your child experience the following:

  • Feel proud of themselves

  • Respect and honor you

  • Experience personal SUCCESS

  • Have a clear model for future conflicts

These smart time-out tips are structured, predictable, and effective!

Mommy, Do You Still Love Me ???

Mommy, Do You Still Love Me ???

HAVE YOU EVER FELT SO FRUSTRATED with your kiddo that you ended up shouting or saying something you didn’t mean or even wish to say?

Or worse, has your strong-willed child ever come back to you with “Mommy, do you still love me?”

Coming from a child, this disheartening question can crush the spirit…

Communication for Cooperation

Communication for Cooperation

A well-intentioned mother speaks words of wise instruction expecting to be heard, acknowledged, and met with cooperation. When the only response from those she cares most about is a meaningless glance or flippant nod, it’s easy to understand why Mom might resort to modes of communication which are later regretted or that poorly display the dignity she desires to reflect.

A mile-long list of responsibilities, chores, and concerns weigh heavily on her mind, and so it’s no wonder…

Sleep: The Undervalued Commodity

Sleep: The Undervalued Commodity

The marching orders dutifully delivered to every mother as she steps out of the hospital and into the exciting world of motherhood is “Sleep when the baby sleeps.” What she’s not told is how to get the laundry done, the beds made, the kitchen swept or even how to take a shower while her little one is wide awake and crying for any number of reasons.

When the choices have to be made between getting the laundry done or taking a nap, for those of us who’ve put our family’s needs ahead of our own, it’s usually our sleep that’s going to be sacrificed. It’s expendable, and we can live without it, we tell ourselves. It comes so naturally to convince ourselves we’ll catch up eventually, or maybe just learn to live without it. Delirium can make you believe anything.

While the Clay is Wet...

While the Clay is Wet...

How much time do you have to influence your child? This isn't a question any new parent takes the time to think about, generally speaking. I'm not sure many seasoned parents take the time to consider this question either, but it's an extremely important one though.  As the adage goes: "The days are  long, but the years are short."  Time is definitely a commodity, a precious resource, and what you do with it will determine your quality of life at home.