Mom Life

Working Moms' Affirmation Guide

Working Moms' Affirmation Guide

Balancing the demands of a career and motherhood is a journey filled with both challenges and triumphs. Affirmations, grounded in scientific understanding, psychological principles, and biblical wisdom, offer a pathway to resilience and fulfillment. By intentionally shaping your thoughts…

When Parenting Feels Overwhelming: Finding Strength in Vulnerability

When Parenting Feels Overwhelming: Finding Strength in Vulnerability

Let’s be honest: no one is ever fully ready to take on the responsibility of raising another human being. Even if you read all the parenting books, attended all the classes, and talked to every expert in the field, the truth is that nothing prepares you for the lived experience of it. And that’s okay.

6 Ways To Keep Your Kids Healthy This Winter

6 Ways To Keep Your Kids Healthy This Winter

Navigating the winter season with kids in tow can be a concern for many parents. The flu and other viruses tend to make their rounds during this time, and keeping our little ones healthy is a top priority, especially during the holidays. But don’t worry, there are simple steps you can add to your routine to ensure your child stays happy and healthy, even when the cold weather sets in.

Genius Small Apartment Hacks for New Parents

Genius Small Apartment Hacks for New Parents

Short on Space? Experts Reveal Simple, but Genius Small Apartment Hacks for New Parents

Although they may be small, baby gear – diapers, bottles, cribs, and other baby necessities – can take up a significant amount of space.

While some families may decide to upsize to a bigger home, that route may not be available for everyone. Luckily, with some clever maneuvering and storage ideas, there are plenty of ways to make the most out of your small space.

Whether you’re renting an apartment in New York or are looking for ways to revamp a small bedroom into a stylish nursery in your Portland rental, we’ve got you covered.

We reached out to experts for their best small apartment hacks to optimize your space so you can make room for your new bundle of joy.

Check out these simple but genius ideas to help you prepare for your new adventure.

Thrive as a Mom and Remote Working Professional With These Expert Tips

Caring for your baby or toddler while working from home? Taking on both of these responsibilities at the same time requires an immense amount of organization, patience, and hard work. On your best days, it may feel as though you’ve achieved superhero status due to the sheer number of tasks you completed. On your worst days, you may feel like a failure as both a parent and as a business owner or employee.


Now is the time to stop being hard on yourself. Recognize that being a parent of a little one and a working professional is no easy feat. To help you move from survival mode to thriving, use these valuable tips from Mothers In Training.


Plan your week in advance

Do your days often feel like they are happening to you — rather than you “happening” to your days? Not having a plan in place for your week is often the culprit. There will always be unexpected things that pop up, especially when you are the mom of a baby or toddler. However, planning each day of your week in advance can give you far more control than planning the day or night before. Expect that, although you’ve set a schedule, you will likely need to make last-minute changes. Sicknesses, injuries, impromptu meetings, and other challenges can spring up at a moment’s notice. Thankfully, when you have a template for each day and a plan for the unexpected you can feel much more balanced and in control.


Dress for comfort and style

Working remotely means that you never have to dress up or put makeup on. At first, this can feel like a freeing privilege. When you’re a mom, wearing comfy and practical clothing can be even more tempting. After a time, however, “going” to work in your pajamas or loungewear can reduce your productivity and self-confidence.


Prevent getting into a work and confidence slump by dressing for comfort and style. Wearing clothing that looks good and that is comfortable and professional can help you feel better about yourself. This approach to style can also improve your focus. Upgrade your wardrobe by purchasing new tank tops, a cozy pair of leggings, and anything else that makes you feel amazing.


Never be ashamed to ask for help

Moms should never feel like they have to take on everything by themselves. Balancing work and parenting is an incredibly difficult thing to do. Expecting that you should be able to handle all related duties while also taking care of yourself, cooking, cleaning, and handling other day-to-day errands is unrealistic.


When you need help with anything, don’t be ashamed to ask for assistance! From babysitting to cleaning services to outsourcing business tasks, some professionals can help you balance your life.


Ramp up your self-care routine

Although it may sound counterintuitive, now is also a great time to ramp up your self-care routine. Too frequently, moms of little ones save time by cutting self-care time first. Instead of delegating duties to a partner or professional, mothers typically sacrifice their well-being to serve others and their children.


This approach is a quick way to experience symptoms of burnout. You cannot be the best mom, business owner, or employee if you are always pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion. Adding little extras to your self-care routine — such as 10 minutes of reading, a face mask, or 5 minutes of meditation — can do wonders.


Work with a parenting coach

An emerging trend among moms with toddlers is to work with a parenting coach. For those who are unfamiliar with this service, a parenting coach (like those at Mothers In Training) provides gentle parenting solutions that help form a calm and connected bond. If your child frequently argues, whines, or throws tantrums, connecting with one of our experienced professionals can help restore balance and calm in your home.


As you begin to practice these strategies, be patient and graceful with yourself. Implementing habits like these is not possible overnight. Rather, with consistency and repetition, you can achieve a work-life balance that works for you.


Mothers In Training provides expert parent coaching services that seek to build a calm and gentle connection between parents and their children. Learn more about our services and check out client testimonials today.


Winning Tips for Stressful Bedtime Battles

Winning Tips for Stressful Bedtime Battles

Recently, a momma in my group posted, "I'm going out of my mind. I can't keep my child in bed. She gets up like a million times a night and gets into my bed."

She needed help, and wanted it right away…

Tattling or Telling: How To Explain The Difference

Tattling or Telling: How To Explain The Difference

Motherhood is full of challenges every single day. There are a thousand decisions that she will make on the fly. And then she will lay in bed at night and think about the choices she made, wondering if she made the right choice..

Frequently, mom guilt comes into play because she makes a decision

Parenting Stress Provides Surprising Opportunities

Parenting Stress Provides Surprising Opportunities

The headlines online and in the newsstands continue to report on the spread of Coronavirus. Public facilities are stepping up their protocol to keep everyone safe and well. But it’s easy to see many are beginning to panic as they consider the “what-ifs.” In these times, it is valuable to have a plan B for our families in a world of uncertainty.

While authorities work diligently to…

The Truth About Mom Guilt

The Truth About Mom Guilt

I WATCHED WITH AMAZEMENT as that little pregnancy stick revealed a positive in the indicator window. I was going to be a mama, and I was so excited. During the nine months that followed, I did everything possible to make sure I would be the best mom ever.

I read all the books, did all the research, took all the vitamins, and ate all the right foods. I did everything required to be an amazing mom. And when the baby came, he was perfect. I thought life would be so perfect. I was ready to be the ideal mom.

Rescue Kids From Summer Boredom

Rescue Kids From Summer Boredom

A MIDSUMMER’S DAY and Mom is tired. The kids have tons of energy and want something to do, something they haven’t done before.

The only vacation scheduled for this season is still weeks away. If Mom doesn’t come up with something exciting soon, boredom will set in.

We all know what happens when kids have nothing to do. They annoy each other. Or worse yet, one may settle for simply annoying YOU!

Parenting Hacks & Tips For A Stay-At-Home Summer

A GENTLE BREEZE ACCOMPANIES WARM RAYS of sunshine as the school year comes to a close. Excitement builds as winter clothes are packed away and plans for school graduation now take center stage. Children eagerly anticipate the summer months and wonder what adventures lie ahead.

For the busy mother whose to-do list is endless, little will change as the academic year concludes. The demands upon her time and energy are not regulated by seasons or the school calendar. Summer break may not hold the same level of excitement as it does for little ones. The mental creativity required to bring satisfaction to an expectant child may feel daunting for a weary mom!

Read more here.

Excerpt taken from ‘Mother Matters’ article first published in the Montclair Local News, written by Parenting Coach & Columnist, Loyla Louvis, AACC.

A Positive Attitude Reveals Golden Opportunities For Mom

A Positive Attitude Reveals Golden Opportunities For Mom

THE IRONY OF MOTHERHOOD is that while Momma is busy raising her child with the hope of cultivating maturity, the child is simultaneously causing her to evolve as a human being. The conflicts in family life promote growth in parent and child alike.

These same challenges, unfortunately, hold an added level of complexity for Mom…

Sleep: The Undervalued Commodity

Sleep: The Undervalued Commodity

The marching orders dutifully delivered to every mother as she steps out of the hospital and into the exciting world of motherhood is “Sleep when the baby sleeps.” What she’s not told is how to get the laundry done, the beds made, the kitchen swept or even how to take a shower while her little one is wide awake and crying for any number of reasons.

When the choices have to be made between getting the laundry done or taking a nap, for those of us who’ve put our family’s needs ahead of our own, it’s usually our sleep that’s going to be sacrificed. It’s expendable, and we can live without it, we tell ourselves. It comes so naturally to convince ourselves we’ll catch up eventually, or maybe just learn to live without it. Delirium can make you believe anything.