Balancing the demands of a career and motherhood is a journey filled with both challenges and triumphs. Affirmations, grounded in scientific understanding, psychological principles, and biblical wisdom, offer a pathway to resilience and fulfillment. By intentionally shaping your thoughts…
When Parenting Feels Overwhelming: Finding Strength in Vulnerability
Let’s be honest: no one is ever fully ready to take on the responsibility of raising another human being. Even if you read all the parenting books, attended all the classes, and talked to every expert in the field, the truth is that nothing prepares you for the lived experience of it. And that’s okay.
From Miscommunication to Understanding: Improving Parent-Child Dialogue
6 Ways To Keep Your Kids Healthy This Winter
Navigating the winter season with kids in tow can be a concern for many parents. The flu and other viruses tend to make their rounds during this time, and keeping our little ones healthy is a top priority, especially during the holidays. But don’t worry, there are simple steps you can add to your routine to ensure your child stays happy and healthy, even when the cold weather sets in.
A Parent's Guide to Teaching Responsibility
Being The Parent Your Child Needs In Difficult Times
The Importance of Learning Outside of the Classroom
The Importance of Safety When Raising Children
Being open and honest with your children can be a topic that stirs debate among parents. Some may feel the need to shield their children from the harsh realities of the world, while others see honesty as a crucial tool for nurturing resilience and safety awareness. Striking the right balance is indeed challenging, as you want to preserve their innocence without keeping them in the dark. It's about finding that sweet spot
How To Stop Your Child's Birthday Party From Spiraling Out Of Control
You know how kids these days catch all those glitzy ideas from TV and the internet, making them hope for these mega birthday bashes, right? But let me tell you, though it might feel easy to just go with the flow and say yes to all their wishes, that might not be the best play for the long haul. Sometimes, putting your foot down and finding middle ground can actually turn out better for both you and your kiddo. It's all about finding that sweet spot, making deals, and standing your ground when it counts.
Thriving In The Adventure Of Toddlerhood: Top Tips For First-Time Moms
Embracing Boundless Love & Compassion
Positive Parenting: Fostering Respectful Language in Children
Sibling Rivalry: Tips, Strategies, and Solutions for Parents
Teach Kids How To Politely Interrupt
When kids want their Mom's attention, the typical scenario looks like this:
A child comes barreling into the room with a barrage of "Mom, Mom, Mama, Ma, Mommy!!!"
Either you didn't respond fast enough, or you're busy doing something and not giving immediate focus to the sweet face beckoning for your attention. Sound familiar?
Principles of Parenting That are Important at Every Age
Got parenting questions? Every phase of parenting brings its own set of challenges and surprises. Still, there are parenting principles that remain the same no matter what your family’s circumstances are and at any stage of the game.
Understanding these principles will help you set your children up to grow into happy, responsible, and resilient adults.
Genius Small Apartment Hacks for New Parents
Short on Space? Experts Reveal Simple, but Genius Small Apartment Hacks for New Parents
Although they may be small, baby gear – diapers, bottles, cribs, and other baby necessities – can take up a significant amount of space.
While some families may decide to upsize to a bigger home, that route may not be available for everyone. Luckily, with some clever maneuvering and storage ideas, there are plenty of ways to make the most out of your small space.
Whether you’re renting an apartment in New York or are looking for ways to revamp a small bedroom into a stylish nursery in your Portland rental, we’ve got you covered.
We reached out to experts for their best small apartment hacks to optimize your space so you can make room for your new bundle of joy.
Check out these simple but genius ideas to help you prepare for your new adventure.