Every parent faces moments of frustration and exhaustion. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed, but those are the moments to remember the incredible power of your words. You’re not just shaping behavior…
From Miscommunication to Understanding: Improving Parent-Child Dialogue
Mommy, Do You Still Love Me ???
Trauma Bonding: The Mistakes Parents Are Making
Do you end up yelling at your kiddo to feel heard? We’ve all done it because…well, it works! It gets the cooperation in the moment but long term, it's not effective for the relationship.
If you’ve never heard of “Trauma Bonding,” you’re not alone.
…but if you’ve got a strong-willed child, more than likely, trauma bonding should be on your radar!
#6 Simple Rules for Raising Respectful Communicators
Have you ever been called out on the carpet by one of your kids for doing something wrong? Maybe it wasn't even something that you thought was wrong - or perhaps you knew it was wrong - but, for whatever reason, your child thinks it is wrong and calls you out on it? Ouch!
Discover how easy it is to raise a respectful child with these 6 simple rules of communication.
Communication for Cooperation
A well-intentioned mother speaks words of wise instruction expecting to be heard, acknowledged, and met with cooperation. When the only response from those she cares most about is a meaningless glance or flippant nod, it’s easy to understand why Mom might resort to modes of communication which are later regretted or that poorly display the dignity she desires to reflect.
A mile-long list of responsibilities, chores, and concerns weigh heavily on her mind, and so it’s no wonder…