5 Ways to Create A Happy Home Vibe For Your Kids

Today, we're talking about ways to create a happy vibe at home. During a session, a mom recently said to me, "Loyla, we have such negative energy in our home. I'm constantly saying no to my kids, and they are often whining. I don't know how to turn the energy around."

Have you ever had a day where everything is going wrong? You can't find your keys, you spilled coffee on your favorite blouse, and then there's not enough time for lunch when you get to work. Sound familiar?

We all have those days. But what if I told you that it doesn't have to be like this? There are simple ways to change our moods by appealing to the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

Here are 5 easy ways to appeal to the senses and give your kids (and home) a happy vibe:

1. TASTE: Crack open that "Cookbook for Kids" and make a simple, yummy dish together with your child. Make sure it's something they love to eat, so the vibe stays high! You don't need to be a culinary wizard to create a meal that excites the family and elevates the mood.

2. TOUCH: Got an Angora or cardigan sweater you can wear on a chilly day? Kids love to give Mom hugs and cuddles when she feels soft and cozy. How about soft, fluffy blankets on the couch or silk sheets to snuggle up in on the bed?

3. SIGHT: Create a colorful outdoor space for kids to play with toys or run around explicitly dedicated to their activities. Hang a string of warm, golden lights around the house for a cozy visual. Plant flowers in pots or window boxes so you can enjoy nature visually all year long. And use soft, soothing color palettes on walls to create the moods you are eager to cultivate. Science shows that the things we look at affect the way we feel.

4. SOUND: Music has a lot of power over our mood, as well as sounds. Classical music playing softly in the background while homework is done soothes the brain and helps you focus on the work at hand. Lullabies help children fall asleep peacefully by bringing them into slumberland, where they can dream about anything their imagination desires. At the same time, heart-pounding rhythmic sounds energize the morning sleepyhead.

5. SMELL: Certain scents are known to have positive effects on people's moods - whether it's through aromatherapy like peppermint oil diffused into hot water and sprayed around one's space; adding spices like basil when preparing food; burning incense sticks while meditating; lightening up a clean smelling candle on a rainy day; or opening the window for fresh air from outside.

With the hectic schedules and craziness of life, it can be hard to have a happy home. But there are simple strategies that you'll find in this post to make your house feel like an oasis for your kids. Soothing their five senses will calm nerves and create a happy vibe for the days ahead.

Schedule a free 15-minute brainstorming call with me to learn more about customized solutions for your happy home!