
Working Moms' Affirmation Guide

Working Moms' Affirmation Guide

Balancing the demands of a career and motherhood is a journey filled with both challenges and triumphs. Affirmations, grounded in scientific understanding, psychological principles, and biblical wisdom, offer a pathway to resilience and fulfillment. By intentionally shaping your thoughts…

Positive Parenting Affirmations

Positive Parenting Affirmations

Affirmations aren’t just feel-good phrases; they are scientifically backed tools that rewire the brain, build resilience, and shape emotional well-being for both parents and children. If you’ve ever doubted the impact of your words, let’s explore how positive affirmations can transform your parenting journey.

From Miscommunication to Understanding: Improving Parent-Child Dialogue

From Miscommunication to Understanding: Improving Parent-Child Dialogue

Learn how to speak so your kids listen, ensure they understand you, and foster a stronger connection. This mom-to-mom guide provides actionable tips for improving your child’s attention and clarifying your messages. Perfect for parents of children aged 2-6.

A Joy-filled Guide to Chores for Kids

A Joy-filled Guide to Chores for Kids

As a parent, the daily juggle of responsibilities can sometimes feel overwhelming. From school runs to meal prep, there's a constant demand in our lives. However, embedded within this routine is an opportunity for something dreamy …

A Parent's Guide to Teaching Responsibility

If you're a parent, you know there are certain life lessons your kids can't afford to miss. The talk about the birds and the bees may be inevitable, but there's another conversation that should take center stage: the one about responsibility.

Being The Parent Your Child Needs In Difficult Times

Being The Parent Your Child Needs In Difficult Times

From the earliest days of infancy, communication forms the foundation of the parent-child relationship. Even when your child is too young to understand the complexities of language, the soothing rhythm of your voice can provide deep comfort.

A Balanced Approach To The Art of Parenting

A Balanced Approach To The Art of Parenting

Parenting is a journey filled with twists, turns, and endless learning opportunities. As parents, we often find ourselves on a seesaw, oscillating between two distinct approaches – the problem-seeking and the problem-avoidant.

The Benefits Of A Routine and Schedule for Kids

The Benefits Of A Routine and Schedule for Kids

As a parent, you know that getting your child to do their chores, complete homework, and manage their time effectively can be a major challenge. However, there is a solution that can make all the difference in your family's life: creating a customized routine and schedule for your child.

In this blog post, we'll explore…

The Importance of Learning Outside of the Classroom

The Importance of Learning Outside of the Classroom

You remember school, right? The chalky dust of the blackboard, the hypnotic drone of a lecture, and, for some, the sneaky naps behind open textbooks. But let's get real. As foundational as classroom learning is, some of the juiciest…

The Importance of Safety When Raising Children

The Importance of Safety When Raising Children

Being open and honest with your children can be a topic that stirs debate among parents. Some may feel the need to shield their children from the harsh realities of the world, while others see honesty as a crucial tool for nurturing resilience and safety awareness. Striking the right balance is indeed challenging, as you want to preserve their innocence without keeping them in the dark. It's about finding that sweet spot

Positive Parenting: Fostering Respectful Language in Children

Positive Parenting: Fostering Respectful Language in Children

Children may not realize the power of their words, but they can cause long-lasting damage. Unkind words can lead to feelings of hurt, insecurity, and anger. Refusing to let our children's words disrupt our family harmony is essential…

Teach Kids How To Politely Interrupt

Teach Kids How To Politely Interrupt

When kids want their Mom's attention, the typical scenario looks like this:

A child comes barreling into the room with a barrage of "Mom, Mom, Mama, Ma, Mommy!!!"

Either you didn't respond fast enough, or you're busy doing something and not giving immediate focus to the sweet face beckoning for your attention. Sound familiar?

Genius Small Apartment Hacks for New Parents

Genius Small Apartment Hacks for New Parents

Short on Space? Experts Reveal Simple, but Genius Small Apartment Hacks for New Parents

Although they may be small, baby gear – diapers, bottles, cribs, and other baby necessities – can take up a significant amount of space.

While some families may decide to upsize to a bigger home, that route may not be available for everyone. Luckily, with some clever maneuvering and storage ideas, there are plenty of ways to make the most out of your small space.

Whether you’re renting an apartment in New York or are looking for ways to revamp a small bedroom into a stylish nursery in your Portland rental, we’ve got you covered.

We reached out to experts for their best small apartment hacks to optimize your space so you can make room for your new bundle of joy.

Check out these simple but genius ideas to help you prepare for your new adventure.

The importance of honesty for a strong connection with your child

The importance of honesty for a strong connection with your child

For your child to trust themselves and grow up healthy and happy, honesty should be of utmost importance. They need honesty about everything, from how the world works around them down to what you're doing wrong as a parent…

5 Ways to Create A Happy Home Vibe For Your Kids

5 Ways to Create A Happy Home Vibe For Your Kids

With the hectic schedules and craziness of life, it can be hard to have a happy home. But there are simple strategies that you'll find in this post to make your house feel like an oasis for your kids. Soothing their five senses will calm nerves and create a happy…

Mom's Guide to Ending Kid Interruptions

Mom's Guide to Ending Kid Interruptions

You're not alone if you've felt the frustration of being disrupted during a phone call or a precious moment with your partner. It's a challenge that transcends the boundaries of "no" or "not now." I've been there, and I get it.

But guess what? There are alternatives to the constant disruptions, and I'm here to share some insights with you.

The Truth About Timeout Nobody is Telling You!

The Truth About Timeout Nobody is Telling You!

Are timeouts working for your strong-willed kiddo?

Use new timeout tips to help your child experience the following:

  • Feel proud of themselves

  • Respect and honor you

  • Experience personal SUCCESS

  • Have a clear model for future conflicts

These smart time-out tips are structured, predictable, and effective!