Mom's Guide to Ending Kid Interruptions

Mom's Guide to Ending Kid Interruptions

You're not alone if you've felt the frustration of being disrupted during a phone call or a precious moment with your partner. It's a challenge that transcends the boundaries of "no" or "not now." I've been there, and I get it.

But guess what? There are alternatives to the constant disruptions, and I'm here to share some insights with you.

The Truth About Timeout Nobody is Telling You!

The Truth About Timeout Nobody is Telling You!

Are timeouts working for your strong-willed kiddo?

Use new timeout tips to help your child experience the following:

  • Feel proud of themselves

  • Respect and honor you

  • Experience personal SUCCESS

  • Have a clear model for future conflicts

These smart time-out tips are structured, predictable, and effective!

Connecting With A Teen When Emotions Run High

Connecting With A Teen When Emotions Run High

When our teens think that we're not looking out for their developing independence, they feel unloved, misunderstood, and rejected.

It's almost as if we have to escort our teens into adulthood. We have to accompany our pre-adult children into their future and maturity.

#1 Travel Secret for Vacation Planning with Kids

#1 Travel Secret for Vacation Planning with Kids

A gentle breeze accompanies warm rays of sunshine as the school year comes to a close. Excitement builds as school graduations announce summer vacation is ahead!

Assuming the kids will behave and everything works out, you only have to deal with the stress of organizing vacation plans so that summer is a big hit for everyone.

Rescue Picky Eaters From Stressful Mealtime Battles

Rescue Picky Eaters From Stressful Mealtime Battles

What does a rice cake have in common with cardboard and pretzels? Can you guess? The answer is: No nutrition: Styrofoam, cardboard, pretzels, and Goldfish - they have no nutritional value. As a matter of fact, we could add glue and Play-Dough to that list, because basically, they all use flour and water. We could make a list of all the other non-food items that we could make with flour and water.

Mommy, Do You Still Love Me ???

Mommy, Do You Still Love Me ???

HAVE YOU EVER FELT SO FRUSTRATED with your kiddo that you ended up shouting or saying something you didn’t mean or even wish to say?

Or worse, has your strong-willed child ever come back to you with “Mommy, do you still love me?”

Coming from a child, this disheartening question can crush the spirit…

Trauma Bonding: The Mistakes Parents Are Making

Trauma Bonding: The Mistakes Parents Are Making

Do you end up yelling at your kiddo to feel heard? We’ve all done it because…well, it works! It gets the cooperation in the moment but long term, it's not effective for the relationship.

If you’ve never heard of “Trauma Bonding,” you’re not alone.

…but if you’ve got a strong-willed child, more than likely, trauma bonding should be on your radar!

Winning Tips for Stressful Bedtime Battles

Winning Tips for Stressful Bedtime Battles

Recently, a momma in my group posted, "I'm going out of my mind. I can't keep my child in bed. She gets up like a million times a night and gets into my bed."

She needed help, and wanted it right away…

Tattling or Telling: How To Explain The Difference

Tattling or Telling: How To Explain The Difference

Motherhood is full of challenges every single day. There are a thousand decisions that she will make on the fly. And then she will lay in bed at night and think about the choices she made, wondering if she made the right choice..

Frequently, mom guilt comes into play because she makes a decision

#6 Simple Rules for Raising Respectful Communicators

#6 Simple Rules for Raising Respectful Communicators

Have you ever been called out on the carpet by one of your kids for doing something wrong? Maybe it wasn't even something that you thought was wrong - or perhaps you knew it was wrong - but, for whatever reason, your child thinks it is wrong and calls you out on it? Ouch!

Discover how easy it is to raise a respectful child with these 6 simple rules of communication.

The No Good Bad Word

The No Good Bad Word

Do you know what the no-good bad word is that we tend to always say as moms and should never say? It's the word "punishment." Are you using the word "punishment" when the kids do something wrong or don't listen?

If you find yourself saying, "You're going to be punished for that," let me tell you a little story:

When I was a kid growing up

Parenting Stress Provides Surprising Opportunities

Parenting Stress Provides Surprising Opportunities

The headlines online and in the newsstands continue to report on the spread of Coronavirus. Public facilities are stepping up their protocol to keep everyone safe and well. But it’s easy to see many are beginning to panic as they consider the “what-ifs.” In these times, it is valuable to have a plan B for our families in a world of uncertainty.

While authorities work diligently to…

The Truth About Mom Guilt

The Truth About Mom Guilt

I WATCHED WITH AMAZEMENT as that little pregnancy stick revealed a positive in the indicator window. I was going to be a mama, and I was so excited. During the nine months that followed, I did everything possible to make sure I would be the best mom ever.

I read all the books, did all the research, took all the vitamins, and ate all the right foods. I did everything required to be an amazing mom. And when the baby came, he was perfect. I thought life would be so perfect. I was ready to be the ideal mom.

The Inside Scoop On Parenting Through The Teen Years

The Inside Scoop On Parenting Through The Teen Years

YOU LOVE YOUR FAMILY, and you're dedicated. But you also know that parenting a teen or tweenager is hard work.

Everybody says the attitude is normal, just deal with it. But how do you get through the day-to-day of parenting? How do you keep things from escalating? How do you maintain your cool in the moment?

How to Prepare Strong-Willed Kids For The New School Year

THE SUMMER MOOD HAS SAILED and September rushes in its autumn vibe. School assignments and work schedules now compete for everyone’s attention. Mother and child both scramble to acclimate to a quicker tempo.

Chaotic emotions often characterize this academic month with its new opportunities and higher expectations. A pleasant state of mind may seem unsustainable with all the busyness, but the wise mother will always find a way. 

Read more here

Excerpt taken from ‘Mother Matters’ article first published in the Montclair Local News, written by Parenting Coach & Columnist, Loyla Louvis, AACC.

Rescue Kids From Summer Boredom

Rescue Kids From Summer Boredom

A MIDSUMMER’S DAY and Mom is tired. The kids have tons of energy and want something to do, something they haven’t done before.

The only vacation scheduled for this season is still weeks away. If Mom doesn’t come up with something exciting soon, boredom will set in.

We all know what happens when kids have nothing to do. They annoy each other. Or worse yet, one may settle for simply annoying YOU!

Goodbye Summer, Hello Class

Goodbye Summer, Hello Class

Some children may be eager to put the summer behind them, happily awaiting the adventures of a new grade with friends they may not have seen all summer, but there will be others who may be more hesitant about entering the new school year, as they anxiously consider new schedules, peer pressures, and homework. 

How To Speak So Your Child Feels Secure

THE ROUGHEST WAVES OF OCEAN FARE are no threat for the ship secured by an anchor. Properly employed, this steely hunk of crafted metal delves speedily through an underwater world of plant life and sea creatures to find its destination. In order to stabilize its craft above, it wedges uncompromisingly into a seabed of mud and clay.

Anchors, however, have another application that only the wise will understand and employ:

not all anchors are made of metal, and not all storms brew at sea.

In the turbulence of busyness and personal agendas, it may not take much for a mother to communicate with her child in such a way that weighty messages are cast over the threshold of her lips, anchoring themselves in the depths of her little one’s heart.

Read more here.

Excerpt taken from ‘Mother Matters’ article first published in the Montclair Local News, written by Parenting Coach & Columnist, Loyla Louvis, AACC.