Parenting Solutions

The No Good Bad Word

The No Good Bad Word

Do you know what the no-good bad word is that we tend to always say as moms and should never say? It's the word "punishment." Are you using the word "punishment" when the kids do something wrong or don't listen?

If you find yourself saying, "You're going to be punished for that," let me tell you a little story:

When I was a kid growing up

The Inside Scoop On Parenting Through The Teen Years

The Inside Scoop On Parenting Through The Teen Years

YOU LOVE YOUR FAMILY, and you're dedicated. But you also know that parenting a teen or tweenager is hard work.

Everybody says the attitude is normal, just deal with it. But how do you get through the day-to-day of parenting? How do you keep things from escalating? How do you maintain your cool in the moment?

Honesty: It's A Gift

Honesty: It's A Gift

THE DESIRE FOR CLOSENESS AND CONNECTION is at the root of all our pursuits in life. It’s the reason we marry, have children and seek friendships. It is the reason why we work so hard to cultivate all the relationships we hold dear. Yet, I wonder how many acknowledge honesty as the glue which bonds these highly sought-after connections.

Although universally valued, honesty may…

Teach Kids The Right Way To Apologize

Teach Kids The Right Way To Apologize

THE TRICKY THING ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS is that we often hurt the ones we love. The problem is that humanity is a bit broken, and that means we have sharp edges.  History has proven we don’t get through life without, unfortunately, offending others unintentionally or otherwise.  The closer our contact, the more painful the experience as jagged edges of brokenness scratch and poke at the soft pink underbellies of those we cherish.  

It’s like trying to hug a porcupine.  Think of all those pointy quills! But if porcupines can reproduce without killing each other or swearing off mating season, we can certainly learn how to navigate the sharp-edged brokenness associated with the human condition.  Regardless of the dangers, we were created for connection.  Our families won’t thrive without it.

Communication for Cooperation

Communication for Cooperation

A well-intentioned mother speaks words of wise instruction expecting to be heard, acknowledged, and met with cooperation. When the only response from those she cares most about is a meaningless glance or flippant nod, it’s easy to understand why Mom might resort to modes of communication which are later regretted or that poorly display the dignity she desires to reflect.

A mile-long list of responsibilities, chores, and concerns weigh heavily on her mind, and so it’s no wonder…

While the Clay is Wet...

While the Clay is Wet...

How much time do you have to influence your child? This isn't a question any new parent takes the time to think about, generally speaking. I'm not sure many seasoned parents take the time to consider this question either, but it's an extremely important one though.  As the adage goes: "The days are  long, but the years are short."  Time is definitely a commodity, a precious resource, and what you do with it will determine your quality of life at home.