
Trauma Bonding: The Mistakes Parents Are Making

Trauma Bonding: The Mistakes Parents Are Making

Do you end up yelling at your kiddo to feel heard? We’ve all done it because…well, it works! It gets the cooperation in the moment but long term, it's not effective for the relationship.

If you’ve never heard of “Trauma Bonding,” you’re not alone.

…but if you’ve got a strong-willed child, more than likely, trauma bonding should be on your radar!

Tattling or Telling: How To Explain The Difference

Tattling or Telling: How To Explain The Difference

Motherhood is full of challenges every single day. There are a thousand decisions that she will make on the fly. And then she will lay in bed at night and think about the choices she made, wondering if she made the right choice..

Frequently, mom guilt comes into play because she makes a decision

#6 Simple Rules for Raising Respectful Communicators

#6 Simple Rules for Raising Respectful Communicators

Have you ever been called out on the carpet by one of your kids for doing something wrong? Maybe it wasn't even something that you thought was wrong - or perhaps you knew it was wrong - but, for whatever reason, your child thinks it is wrong and calls you out on it? Ouch!

Discover how easy it is to raise a respectful child with these 6 simple rules of communication.

The Inside Scoop On Parenting Through The Teen Years

The Inside Scoop On Parenting Through The Teen Years

YOU LOVE YOUR FAMILY, and you're dedicated. But you also know that parenting a teen or tweenager is hard work.

Everybody says the attitude is normal, just deal with it. But how do you get through the day-to-day of parenting? How do you keep things from escalating? How do you maintain your cool in the moment?

How To Speak So Your Child Feels Secure

THE ROUGHEST WAVES OF OCEAN FARE are no threat for the ship secured by an anchor. Properly employed, this steely hunk of crafted metal delves speedily through an underwater world of plant life and sea creatures to find its destination. In order to stabilize its craft above, it wedges uncompromisingly into a seabed of mud and clay.

Anchors, however, have another application that only the wise will understand and employ:

not all anchors are made of metal, and not all storms brew at sea.

In the turbulence of busyness and personal agendas, it may not take much for a mother to communicate with her child in such a way that weighty messages are cast over the threshold of her lips, anchoring themselves in the depths of her little one’s heart.

Read more here.

Excerpt taken from ‘Mother Matters’ article first published in the Montclair Local News, written by Parenting Coach & Columnist, Loyla Louvis, AACC.

Teach Kids The Right Way To Apologize

Teach Kids The Right Way To Apologize

THE TRICKY THING ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS is that we often hurt the ones we love. The problem is that humanity is a bit broken, and that means we have sharp edges.  History has proven we don’t get through life without, unfortunately, offending others unintentionally or otherwise.  The closer our contact, the more painful the experience as jagged edges of brokenness scratch and poke at the soft pink underbellies of those we cherish.  

It’s like trying to hug a porcupine.  Think of all those pointy quills! But if porcupines can reproduce without killing each other or swearing off mating season, we can certainly learn how to navigate the sharp-edged brokenness associated with the human condition.  Regardless of the dangers, we were created for connection.  Our families won’t thrive without it.