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You Can Be a Calm Mom Raising a Kind, Happy Kid
Even if You’re Overwhelmed and Feel Like You’ve Blown It (Again!)


If the typical day includes power struggles like this:

  • Arguing or whining when the answer is "no"

  • Refusing to clean up personal belongings

  • Struggling to get dressed in a timely manner

  • Difficulty getting out the door without procrastinating

  • Ignoring Mom repeatedly until she starts yelling or threatening

  • Slipping into a MELTDOWN when asked to leave an activity to do something else

You need effective parenting solutions to reduce frustration, stress, and confusion!

Need a quick win?

Here you’ll find resources filled with gentleness, wisdom, and scientific insights for today’s families.


Let’s fill your parenting toolbox…

These little cheat sheets below are simple, practical, and just what you need for a closer bond with your child. Click below to download your copy today!


Is a Parenting Coach Right For You?

If you've read all the books and gotten tons of advice from well-meaning friends and family, but aren't seeing the results you're looking for, working with a parenting coach is an excellent option for you.

If your kiddo neglects their responsibilities or you feel like you have to yell to get things done, parent coaching is the most effective way to create a lasting change of behavior.

If daily power struggles with your strong-willed kiddo define your day, parent coaching is a perfect fit for you.


Client Testimonials!

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Take Action

Meet with Coach Loyla!

Schedule a complimentary 15-minute chat and see if our strategies are right for you.


Frequently Asked Questions

+ How do I schedule my appointment?

It's easy! Book your complimentary brainstorming call on our calendar HERE:

If you prefer, you may schedule a coaching session package on our calendar HERE.


Click "Services" on the home page bar to access Parent Coaching in the dropdown menu. Scroll down to find links to the scheduling option of your choice.

+ Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching package again.

+ How does parent coaching work?

As you share the challenges you're facing as you parent your strong-willed kiddo, I'm asking questions that helps us, together, customize strategies that fit the uniqueness of your child so you can better enjoy the motherhood journey.

+ Why do people use a parenting coach?

  • To learn practical skills
  • To reflect and evaluate parenting goals
  • To explore how to talk to kids so they listen
  • To discover how to listen so kids feel heard, valued, and understood
  • To practice exactly what resonates with a child in a way that creates good character
  • To get clarity on parenting skills that sustain through difficult times like divorce, death, or moving
  • To feel reassured that as the parent, there is an approach that is appropriate for the whole family
  • To develop techniques for managing strong feelings in moms and their children
  • To analyze core values so moms know what battles to fight and what to let go
  • To provide accountability so moms actually do what they decided they think is best for their kids

+ What are the goals in a one-to-one session?

  • Tune in to the source of frustration, exhaustion, and overwhelm causing friction at home.
  • Tap into the root issues of communication, execution, and role reversals that challenge relationships.
  • Tailor a 'Course Correction Strategy' that is customized specifically for your family and satisfaction.

+ How do we meet together?

Unless otherwise noted, all sessions are virtual through FaceTime, Zoom, WhatsApp, or phone call. The calendar is available for convenient scheduling options here

+ How long is a session?

An initial one-hour session is a great starting point to address key concerns and begin laying the groundwork for change. However, for lasting impact and steady progress on behaviors that have become habits, a 10-session package is highly recommended. It provides the consistency and guidance needed for meaningful transformation while also being more economical. Feel free to schedule here!

+ How often should we meet?

It’s recommended that sessions are scheduled at weekly intervals initially to assure new strategies are getting the desired outcome. Once interactions are consistently friction-free, monthly sessions are recommended to keep progress on track.

+ Can my spouse attend a session?

Absolutely! If a spouse is willing to explore new options and/or has questions that might help create uniformity in parenting, that’s a win we can celebrate! Please indicate another will be joining us when scheduling new sessions.

+ How do I pay for sessions?

For your convenience, PayPal, Zelle, and Venmo are available as a payment option and invoiced after a package has been purchased.

+ Do you offer packages?

Yes! The Coaching Package includes ten 1-hr. sessions to help you reach your desired outcome with predictability and consistency.

Schedule a 10-session package and schedule sessions at your convenience..

**Additional sessions may be purchased individually after package sessions are completed. Valid for 1 yr. from time of initial consultation.

+ What are Coach Loyla's credentials?

Certified Professional Parenting & Life Coach through the American Association of Christian Counselors, with 10 years experience working with moms (and dads) in private practice; public speaker, parenting columnist for Montclair Local News, and Mentor Mom for MOPS International; parenting educator for international corp. Babies R’ Us for 5+ years, and a homeschool educator in NJ, NY, and CT for 18+ years. Most importantly, she is a wife and mother to four homeschooled children all now graduated (and still strong-willed!).

+ What is Coach Loyla's parent coaching philosophy?

The observations that have lead to Coach Loyla’s coaching philosophy are based on over ten years of experience as a professional parenting strategist and life coach, triple certified by the American Association of Christian Counselors, as well as her personal experience and journey as a mom of four grown, home-educated children.

Coach Loyla believes no two children are alike and what works for one child may (sometimes) have devastating consequences for the next.

She explains that the most powerful tools in our parenting toolbox are authentic communication, natural consequences, and intimate connection with predictable consistency.

By coming alongside to empower moms as calm, assertive leaders, Coach Loyla believes children (especially strong-willed kiddos) will find peace and happiness as they find their needs met at home.

+ What is Coach Loyla's backstory?

As a young single parent with no real strategy or role model, I was no stranger to the challenges some families face today. The journey started off on a rocky road. Broken relationships set the stage for a marriage destined for disaster and heartache. Divorced at the age of 24, with a sweet, strong-willed child to care for, single parenting and long hours of work consumed daily life. Those days were riddled with financial concerns, health issues, loneliness, and a growing sense of despair.

Those early years were the starting point on a long journey of exploration. We all start with a dream filled with excitement and wonder, but when the stress of life begins to creep into the home, we tend to react rather than respond. Excitement and hope can fade as disappointments find their way into relationships. I soon realized that others would benefit from my observation, studying, training, and passion.

After years of helping others resolve parenting challenges, and receiving encouragement from like-minded professionals, Mothers In Training, LLC became a reality in 2010. I am a wife, a mother to three sons and a daughter, a Certified Professional Parenting & Life Coach with the American Association of Christian Counselors, a public speaker, a homeschooling mom, and a teacher to home-schooled children in the tri-state area for over 19 years.

It is a privilege and honor to come alongside my clients. It’s a calling in my life. All the events of my own journey find their meaning and purpose in that those experiences have equipped me to help others organically and authentically.

As Seen On

Parent Coach and Online Parent Classes


About Loyla Louvis

Certified Professional Parenting Strategist and Life Coach, Speaker, Teacher, Columnist, and Mother to 4 Homeschooled Kids.

As a young single parent with no real strategy or role model, I was no stranger to the challenges some families face today. The journey started off on a rocky road. Broken relationships set the stage for a marriage destined for disaster and heartache. Divorced at the age of 24, with a sweet, strong-willed child to care for, single parenting and long hours of work consumed daily life. Those days were riddled with financial concerns, health issues, loneliness, and a growing sense of despair.

Those early years were the starting point of a long journey of exploration. We all start with a dream filled with excitement and wonder, but when the stress of life begins to creep into the home, we tend to react rather than respond. Excitement and hope can fade as disappointments find their way into relationships. I soon realized that others would benefit from my observation, studying, training, and passion.

After years of helping others resolve parenting challenges, and receiving encouragement from like-minded professionals, Mothers In Training, LLC became a reality in 2010. I’ve been on the parenting journey for 35+ yrs, a mom to three sons and a daughter, a Certified Professional Parenting & Life Coach with the American Association of Christian Counselors, public speaker, homeschooling mom, and a teacher to home-schooled children in the tri-state area for over 19 years.

It is a privilege and honor to come alongside my clients. It’s a calling in my life. All the events of my own journey find their meaning and purpose in that those experiences have equipped me to help others organically and authentically.