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The Parenting Roadmap: A Guide for the Journey (Audio Bundle)

Parenting Roadmap Audio Bundle
The Parenting Roadmap Audio Book
Parenting Roadmap Audio + Workbook pages
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Parenting Roadmap Audio Bundle
The Parenting Roadmap Audio Book
Parenting Roadmap Audio + Workbook pages
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Parenting Roadmap workbook page samples
Parenting Roadmap workbook graphic
Coach Loyla holding Parenting Roadmap book

The Parenting Roadmap: A Guide for the Journey (Audio Bundle)


THE PARENTING ROADMAP IS YOUR GUIDE FOR AVOIDING POTHOLES ON THE PARENTING JOURNEY. In this 1-hour interview style strategy training, learn how to avoid common mistakes so you end up where you want to be at the end of your parenting journey. Audio, transcript and workbook bonus included.

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The Parenting Roadmap: A Guide for the Journey includes an audio mp4, transcript, and bonus workbook.

In ​THE PARENTING ROADMAP,​ you will learn:

● The truth about parenting styles

●  The connection between behavior and value systems

● How to have a smoother parenting journey

●  How to easily handle differences in perception

●  Why it’s important to develop a sense of purpose in your children

●  The “life-changing” secrets of following the roadmap

● The truth behind knee-jerk parenting

● How to protect yourself against your own exhaustion

●  What MUST be observed to avoid developing a confusing mental model in your child

●  How to avoid “playing the magic mom card” too often

● The truth behind tantrums

●  The “Park Fence Technique”

●  My most tightly kept secret to avoid having your children pitting parents against each other

●  The surprising benefit of developing curiosity in your children

●  The Chart Method so your children never complain about chores again

●  Why it may make more sense to let your children be bored

● The sneaky benefit of failure

●  Celebrating differences to avoid sibling rivalry

●  Why THE EXIT STRATEGY is one of the very best methods on Earth for having happy children for life

We know you’re busy. You don’t have time to read. That is why we have created this resource as an audio product that can be easily listened to from your computer, your phone or your tablet.

You can listen to it at home, at work, or on your computer.

Whether you are just planning your family or navigating the transition from baby to toddler (or toddler to tween), you will benefit from this product.

If you order today, you will also get the transcript of the entire audio.

This way, you can read what was said to reinforce the roadmap details.

And if you order today, we are - ​for a limited time​ - including a free workbook.

This workbook is for you and your partner. You will use it to map out your own parenting journey.

All sales are final. Because this is a digital product, we do not offer refunds.

Once you buy, the product will be available for immediate download, link activated for 24 hrs.

And a link will be emailed to you as well.

If you want to be better prepared to deal with tantrums…

And learn how to navigate the tricky “sex talk” conversations without fear, then you need The Parenting Roadmap: A Guide for the Journey

Download your parenting guide bundle for $27 $12.99 today!

Download your audio mp4, transcript, and bonus workbook immediately after purchase.